Category: Travel

Photo Gallery: Xiaonanmen & Bund

This week the Communist Party of China will hold the 18th National People’s Congress, a once-in-a-generation leadership change that has the whole world watching. Under economic pressure, a
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Summer’s Over

  The dog days of summer are finally over. I can finally wear a jacket. It’s been a long, long time since I last updated. However, I did
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Marriage Market in People’s Park

So here’s a cultural oddity: Every weekend in People’s Park hundreds of families come together and create a real-world dating site. Traditionally, from what I’ve read, it’s a parent’s
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In Shanghai

Well, it’s been a month I last posted on my blog. I would say mostly because I haven’t been in Korea, or teaching or anything. A few days
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Lotte World Shooting Range

At the basement of one of Korea’s largest theme parks and malls, nestled between the Sizzler and an ice skating rink overflowing with people, rests the Lotte World
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The End of An Era

Last week I booked my ticket home to the US. I won’t be home for long, but it will be the end of my one year tenure in
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