Long Pieces In Progress

While I am going to continue writing about short cultural anecdotes, I decided, based on the (few) comments on my last post, to get into some more long-form stuff. Here are some topics I am working on, based in order of likely publication.


1. “What is it about 20-somethings”- in Korea. My take on the New York Times Magazine pieces about America’s youth and how it relates to being overseas as an English teacher. This should be finished in the next few days.

2. Trip to Mongolia. Most likely a play-by-play of all the things I did in the country. I wanted to wait until I finished tagging and naming all the photos on Flickr, but it just takes too damn long.

3. 60th Anniversary of the Incheon Invasion. This is left over from the anniversary of the beginning of the war, as I photos of my grandfather, a US Marine who fought here for a year. This should be ready on the day of the invasion, September 15.

4. Internet Explorer, Korea and You. Another left over. This is something I’ve been aching to write about, but I need drudge through a lot of technical research I’ve done that only techies and web developers would understand.

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